No inscriptions, The Dust jacket is good, a few sort of creases I am guessing when taken off to read # INTERNATIONAL BUYERS? PLEASE NOTE, DUE TO THE PRICE INCREASE BY THE BRITISH POSTAL SERVICE, AND TO BE FAIR TO YOU AND ME, PLEASE CONTACT ME FOR A SHIPPING QUOTE. # THIS BOOK: Later new reproduction system. Potter's books continue to sell throughout the world in many languages, her stories being re-told in song, film, ballet, and animation. She carried on to write and illustrate until her diminishing eyesight made it difficult to continue. The great success followed by successful children's books about animals, such as The Tale of Squirrel Nutkin, The Tailor of Gloucester and The Tale of Benjamin Bunny. Her best-known picture book is The Tale of Peter Rabbit, which was also her first publication. Fairies, fairy tales and fantasy profoundly influenced her artistic and literary interests. All I need to say is they are for children, 'Magical.' ~#~ Beatrix Potter was an English author, illustrator, natural scientist, and conservationist best known for her children's books featuring animals. #The Tale of Benjamin Bunny- No.4 - 1987 # INTERNATIONAL BUYERS PLEASE READ THE LAST PARAGRAPH # ~#~ Beatrix Potters Tales of animals I am sure if you are looking at the titles I have available, you know what you are after, and don't need to explain the story-line.